Cheese Toddler

sliced cheese on brown table top

This is simply my short screenplay based off of a blog post of the same name about an interesting story from my past. You can read the post first if you want right here:

I believe it to be really good (both the blog post and short script) so I figured I could let people see for themselves. Plus I’ll always love more feedback than just the screenplay competition I am in.

So, here is the first draft of the script, the final draft is below that:

And here is a revision of the script.


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Published by schizoaffect92

If you couldn't tell by the title of my site or some of my posts I am schizoaffective bipolar type. I'm trying to become a screenwriter and, hopefully, a good enough blogger. Furthermore I hope to show through my posts and any further work I do that those dealing with psychotic illnesses are not what many may think they are.

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